Ice carving spirt of the Indian |
Happy new years ice carving |
Creations in Ice, "Fighting Irish" |
Creations in Ice, "Praying for rain" |
"Happy Valentines Day ice display" |
Football Players ice carving display |
About Edible Centerpieces
Ice Carvings
life in 90 degrees is from 4 to 6 hours.
Butter Sculptures are hand sculpted from a firm white
butter and will last a year or more.
Bread sculptures may last indefinitly and renders small
detail very well.
Fruit and vegetable carvings Very colorfull and may be
used periodicaly for up to a week.
Pulled and blown sugar swan |
Road runner in bread paste |
"Dark Chocolate Gothic Church" |
Spun Sugar Chocolate Truffle |
La Quinta CC Logo in bread paste |
Double hearts ice carving |
Hokie Bird butter sculpture |
Chef Laqua, Butter carving |
Butter sculpture, "Pegesus" |
Shawnee Indian butter carving |